Afiya Williams

What is your industry or area of expertise?

My area of expertise is in space making, cultivating, and creating space for people to gather. 

Why do you believe in the mission of BlackFemaleProject?

I believe in the mission because I am a Black professional woman with my own unique experience. I know we need more spaces in this world that do just this. I believe in the mission because of the Black women that I know who have called in what they need in terms of either support or awareness. There’s not a Black woman I’ve talked to with whom our mission has not resonated with from any career level or area of expertise. 

What brought you to BlackFemaleProject?

I was intrigued because of the name: “Black” and “Female.” I was like, “Check! And check! I’m already both of those.” Also I was looking for part-time work, so even the fact that the word “project” was included sparked my interest. 

When I looked at the job description, I knew I could absolutely do it. Something about the language in the job description gave me the impression that it was the type of space where I could be well and contribute. In the first interview, I talked to Cathy and dana, and it was like we already knew each other. 

How has BlackFemaleProject impacted you personally?

It’s been affirming, first and foremost—just that I am able to exist the way I want to exist inside an organization and the ways that I see the world and want to exist in the world—I’m not the sole visionary of that. Being able to show up as yourself in a workspace is a big win in itself.  Also my personal goals have not had to be pushed aside just to be in this space.

On the mentorship and leadership side, it’s being able to learn from Precious, Marthea, dana, and Cathy. We all bring something that I can absorb and learn from as I develop my businesses. It's great to be surrounded by women doing their own damn thing. 

What BlackFemaleProject content or offering have you found most resonant?

Our events are one of my favorite things that we do. Whether large spaces or more intimate or virtual events, just the act of creating community and seeing it have such a positive impact on those who show up. We are stronger as a community.

What is your dream for BlackFemaleProject? 

I dream big things for BlackFemaleProject because our mission and purpose resonate with almost any Black woman, anywhere. The vision is seeing us activated in multiple major cities, maybe having a central office and other offices, operating community spaces, or taking the stories on the road to spread the word of Black women’s experiences at work for those who are truthfully or willfully unaware. I can see us having a million-women-strong community around the world.


Atlanta-born and Oakland-based, Afiya “Fi.” Williams is an impact producer, entrepreneur, educator, and visionary working to empower and liberate Black women and people of color through art, community, joy, and education. She has worked over 15 years in nonprofit spaces developing arts programming, facilitating global conversations, empowering leaders, and creating transformative spaces that uplift and inspire. Fi. has produced multiple short films from around the world that uplift the voices of marginalized communities–including the critically acclaimed 2018 IFP Gotham Awards’ Breakthrough Series–Short Form: 195 Lewis.

Afiya is the founder and visionary of WildFiya, a small business that cultivates and empowers Black women’s joy and desires as tools for self-care, community healing, and social change through creativity, play, and self-expression. A lover of unique experiences and bridge-building, Afiya has traveled to remote places for artmaking, learned to make chocolate on a cacao farm, and driven across the country twice so far, amongst other adventures.

Supporting her in-depth and hands-on experiences, Afiya holds a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from New York University and Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and English from Smith College.


Afiya Williams (LinkedIn)


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ADBUL-HAQQ KHALIFAH, teacher profile