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Social Symphony: Composing Your Crescendo to Social Media Success - Pt 2

About the Workshop:

The keys to a successful social media strategy can feel elusive and ever-changing. Join us for Social Symphony, a multi-part presentation designed to equip you with the tools you need to create an attractive and engaging content plan.

Bring your pen, paper, and examples of influencers and brands you admire.

About the Facilitator:

Yvonne Williams-Castellanos is an Oakland and Berkeley native whose main passion is curating spaces for women of color to feel safe, affirmed, and motivated to actualize their dreams. As the Founder and Lead Strategist of Genesis, Yvonne provides business development, community building, outreach, and social media marketing support to organizations, with the goal of helping to ensure that women of all backgrounds have a safe space to be heard, seen, and held.


$25 - General

$15 - Students and Seniors

July 13

Social Symphony: Composing Your Crescendo to Social Media Success - Part 1

September 11

Radical Imagination: Racial Healing of Self and Others