Fern Stroud

What is your industry or area of expertise?

My areas of expertise are tech, Black folks, and community. We do a lot of community building, get BlackFemaleProject into spaces, and provide a platform both online and at community-based events like Black Vines, Black Joy Parade, and Pride. 

Why do you believe in the mission of BlackFemaleProject?

The mission speaks to me by affirming experiences. Often when you are the only person who looks like you in a corporate setting, your experiences can be dimmed or not recognized. If you've never had that, there’s no way for you to affirm someone who is going through it. It’s important to let people know they are not crazy because there’s unconscious gaslighting going on in these spaces.

What brought you to BlackFemaleProject?

Precious is my sister. I’m going to support whatever she has going on. When BlackFemaleProject initially started ramping up, I was about 12 years into the tech industry in Silicon Valley, which comes with its own experiences. Even in college, getting my degree, I was the only Black woman in classes. And that tended to follow me throughout my career—having the only face that looks like mine. Having the ability to share how I navigated those spaces is super dope, and I want to lend that insight.

How has BlackFemaleProject impacted you personally?

The community that’s been built throughout the BlackFemaleProject journey is invaluable. The cohorts and additional supports actually encouraged me and gave me the confidence to step out to be a full-time entrepreneur, to ask questions, to advocate for myself, and to understand my value and worth to the workplace. It’s ignited the precursor to joy in life. 

What motivated you to become an advisor to BlackFemaleProject?

I was doing it already just by the nature of my relationship with Precious; it was a no-brainer. If I have something to lend or a talent that can be used to move the organization forward, I’m going to offer that.

What BlackFemaleProject content or offering have you found most resonant?

Everything resonates. The discussions on hair, knowing your value, what is joy at work, the ‘-isms’ that people have faced... It’s a common kind of story, and to hear it from different lenses, it resonates. I’m also super excited about Teacher Truth and where that takes the organization. I’m looking forward to another year of growth and programming.

Bio: As a gifted musician and recently retired IT Software Development Project Manager, Fern's life work is to bridge the gap between business, art, and community. Her vision has been realized through successful partnership, board service, and other initiatives, including production of Black Vines - A Toast to Black Wineries and Diverse Art. Fern earned a B.S. in Computer Information Systems and completed a software development internship at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in Palo Alto, California. In 2020 Fern left her tenured career in technology to devote 100% to her company Stroud Management Enterprise, which produces Black Vines®. She is located in Oakland, California






July 2023 Wellness Resources


Dr. Tameka McGlawn