In the Blink of an Eye | COVID REFLECTION


I took a deep breath and I blinked! And with every blink, days or weeks would pass. COVID forced me to look my values in the face and claim my loyalty to my faith. From one moment to the next everything had been turned on its head or challenged. What was a foundational stake in the ground for me was the reminder that not everything that happened in 2020 was negative. I felt like I was on an emotional seesaw, using my values to hold me in place. 

COVID called my values out because they had to be juggled. There is already a careful balance between work and home life. Navigating a corporate culture in this economic climate had me more stressed, working long hours and being careful about my quality of work due to my industry. And then in a moment of tunneling, focused on myself, there is a divine reminder of what else is happening in the world, both negative and positive. We cannot forget about the youth who may be more versed in technology but may need greater social interactions. Or the teachers who are forced to raise their kids and teach at home as well. Nor can we forget those who found themselves unemployed due to COVID altogether. 

I blinked and took a breath, faith stepped in; values hugged me; and I was reminded that I am merely a vessel here to do my part in whatever way I can, remembering to put on my mask, stay 6 feet apart, and wash my hands.

Learn more about Tavita Bass by clicking here.




The Art of the Pivot | COVID REFLECTION